Social Media and Friendships

DISCLAIMER: I am in no way judging anyone that has had or will have these experiences. 😋

When did we as a society get so involved in social media that we forget about the real world and the people in it? How did we go from calling one another and spending time together to just writing on someone’s wall? Some people start their day by turning over and grabbing their cell phone to check Facebook to see what everyone else is up to. Is it really that necessary to know what Stacy had for breakfast before you even have your first cup of coffee? Or have we just lost touch with reality so much that social media is what drives us? Forget the networking for business aspect of it, which I think is smart since everyone has Facebook now. I’m talking about the people who really Facebook stalk. Or what about the one that is upset about something, updates their status about it and when you ask if they’re ok, they tell you it’s private and to inbox them…… Why did you update your status on a public forum with it if you don’t want to openly talk about it? So confused.









I think that we need human interaction once in a while. Turn the technology off and actually enjoy quality time with those who matter to us. Have conversations. Turn the cell phone off at night, during dinner or any other important time because at the end of the day, our spouses/significant others, family and best friends are the unconditional ones….the ones who don’t take the time or don’t make an effort to be in our lives and only check our Facebook for possible drama can wait till tomorrow. Especially those that only make efforts to judge every thing you do when they’re doing the same thing – or worse. No thanks.

Friends : That one friend that only calls and texts you when there’s trouble in paradise. We all have them. The one that won’t call or return your calls all year because they have a significant other in their life, until some shit hits the fan and they either now need you (unless they wrote you off completely) or they’re so unhappy that they are wanting to know that you are just as unhappy … I call this kind of friend a “Tabloid Friend”. A tabloid friend will also hear rumors about you, assume they are true and spread them further while still being able to look you in the eyes and ask you to have coffee with them. Some may call this a “Fair-weathered Friend” as well. I do have amazing friends that I don’t talk to every day but when we do talk we can pick up where we left off. That is totally different.





Bottom line : “Please ensure all cell phone and electronic devices are turned off” for a bit… 😉 Spend quality time with those who are important to you. Life is short and you don’t know how long we’ll be around for. Back to basics baby.


About Crystal

Crystal Levy is a Visual Storyteller and Self-Love Advocate sharing Style and Travel Tips with a side of Wellness and Parenthood.

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  1. 1.11.13
    Ashley said:

    Amen! Very well put! 😉