Homeschool Programs We Love

Balancing Homeschooling and Self-Care: Tips for Busy Moms

As a style and wellness blogger juggling the joys of homeschooling three daughters (ages 9, 7, and 4), I understand the importance of finding the balance between nurturing their education and taking care of myself. Here I share insights into our homeschooling journey, highlight some of our favorite programs, offer time management tips for homeschool moms, and emphasize the importance of self-care amidst the busyness of daily life.

Homeschooling: A Personalized Journey

Homeschooling allows us to tailor our daughters’ education to their unique interests, learning styles, and developmental needs. Here are some key aspects of our homeschooling approach:

  • Curriculum Flexibility: We embrace a mix of traditional textbooks, online resources, and hands-on activities to create a dynamic and engaging learning experience.
  • Child-Led Learning: We prioritize following our daughters’ interests and passions, allowing them to take ownership of their education and fostering a love for lifelong learning.
  • Real-World Exploration: We incorporate field trips, nature walks, and community service projects to enrich their education and encourage curiosity about the world around them.

Favorite Homeschooling Programs

The Good and the Beautiful

The Good and the Beautiful (TGTB) is a comprehensive homeschool curriculum designed to provide a holistic education that integrates academic subjects with character development and faith-based values. Created by homeschool mom and educator Jenny Phillips, TGTB curriculum emphasizes literature-rich learning, hands-on activities, and engaging materials.

Key Features:

  • Literature-Based Learning: TGTB curriculum incorporates classic literature and quality books to inspire a love for reading and foster critical thinking skills.
  • Integrated Subjects: Subjects such as history, science, and art are integrated with language arts and other core subjects, creating a cohesive learning experience.
  • Faith-Based Approach: TGTB curriculum incorporates Christian values and principles throughout its materials, making it suitable for families seeking a faith-based education.
  • Multi-Level Family Learning: TGTB offers curriculum options for multiple grade levels, allowing families to homeschool multiple children simultaneously with shared resources.


  • Emphasis on character development and values-based education.
  • Beautifully designed and engaging materials that appeal to children.
  • Flexible and adaptable for various learning styles and family dynamics.
  • Affordable pricing compared to many other homeschool curricula.


  • Limited availability of some subjects or grade levels due to high demand.
  • Some families may prefer a secular or non-faith-based curriculum.
  • Requires additional resources for subjects like math and foreign language, as these are not included in the core curriculum.


IXL is an online learning platform that offers interactive educational content for students from kindergarten to grade 12. It covers a wide range of subjects, including math, language arts, science, social studies, and Spanish. IXL’s adaptive learning technology personalizes the learning experience for each student, providing targeted practice and real-time feedback to help them master essential skills.

Key Features:

  • Adaptive Learning: IXL’s adaptive algorithm adjusts the difficulty of questions based on each student’s skill level, ensuring they are appropriately challenged and supported.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: IXL offers comprehensive coverage of academic subjects, with thousands of skills aligned to state and Common Core standards.
  • Real-Time Progress Tracking: Parents and students can track progress and performance in real-time, identifying areas of strength and areas that need improvement.
  • Interactive Practice: Interactive exercises, virtual rewards, and engaging visuals make learning enjoyable and motivating for students.


  • Suitable for independent learning and self-paced progress.
  • Personalized learning paths cater to each student’s individual needs and abilities.
  • Detailed reports and analytics provide insights into student performance and areas for growth.
  • Accessible on multiple devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.


  • The subscription-based model may be cost-prohibitive for some families, especially those with multiple students.
  • Requires reliable internet access for online learning.
  • Limited opportunities for hands-on and experiential learning compared to traditional homeschool curricula.
  • May not be suitable for families seeking a faith-based or literature-rich curriculum.

Both The Good and the Beautiful and IXL offer unique approaches to homeschooling, catering to different learning styles and preferences. Families can explore these based on their educational goals, values, and budgetary considerations, ensuring a personalized homeschooling experience that meets their needs.

Honorable Mentions for Homeschooling Programs

  • Khan Academy: A comprehensive online platform offering free educational resources in various subjects, from math and science to humanities and coding.
  • Outschool: An online marketplace for live, interactive classes taught by passionate instructors on a wide range of topics, catering to different age groups and interests.
  • Adventure Academy: An immersive multiplayer online game that combines learning with fun, offering educational activities in reading, math, science, and more.
  • Wild and Free: Wild + Free groups are for homeschoolers, nature lovers, and those who have simply resonated with this community and want to know more.

Time Management Tips for Homeschool Moms

Create a Flexible Schedule: Establish a daily routine that provides structure while allowing for flexibility to accommodate spontaneous learning opportunities and breaks.

Prioritize Tasks: Identify the most important tasks for each day and focus on completing them first, whether it’s homeschooling lessons, household chores, or self-care activities.

Utilize Time Blocks: Break your day into manageable time blocks for homeschooling, work, chores, and personal time. Set timers to stay on track and transition smoothly between activities.

Involve the Kids: Encourage your children to take ownership of their learning and help with household tasks, fostering independence and teamwork while freeing up time for yourself.

Self-Care for Homeschool Moms

Prioritize Exercise: Schedule regular workouts or physical activities that energize and rejuvenate you, whether it’s a morning yoga session, a brisk walk outdoors, or a dance party with the kids.

Nourish Your Body: Prepare nutritious meals and snacks in advance to fuel your body and mind throughout the day. Involve your daughters in meal planning and preparation for quality family time.

Take Mindful Moments: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises, short meditation breaks, or moments of gratitude to center yourself amidst the busyness.

Set Boundaries: Establish boundaries between work, homeschooling, and personal time. Carve out moments of solitude for self-reflection, relaxation, and pursuing hobbies or interests that bring you joy.

Finding Harmony in Homeschooling and Self-Care

Homeschooling is a rewarding journey that requires dedication, creativity, and flexibility. By prioritizing your childrens’ education, implementing effective time management strategies, and nurturing your own well-being through self-care practices, you can create a harmonious balance between homeschooling and personal fulfillment.

Remember to celebrate the small victories, embrace the learning process, and cherish the precious moments you share with your daughters along the way.

How do you balance homeschooling and self-care in your daily life? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below!

Wishing you joy, fulfillment, and abundant self-care on your homeschooling journey.


About Crystal

Crystal Levy is a Visual Storyteller and Self-Love Advocate sharing Style and Travel Tips with a side of Wellness and Parenthood.

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