Spring Self-Care Tips

Most people thrive in the Spring and feel extra energized in the warmer months… I am not one of those people. My allergies start kicking in and I start to feel unlike myself at the start of Spring, and then I get used to it by the time Autumn rolls around, and then I’m in my element! Today, I’m sharing some self-care tips that I’ve adopted for myself to help me feel better during the Spring and I hope they serve you too!

Self-Care Tip #1

Declutter Your Life

While I like to declutter on an ongoing basis, there’s something about decluttering in the Spring that makes me feel lighter in general. When I see a cluttered space it makes my brain feel cluttered and it adds to my anxiety. I start small by decluttering 10 items at a time, and I usually will start in my closet. If you haven’t worn it in 2 years, it’s time to let it go.

Self-Care Tip #2

Practice Gratitude

Every morning I write down 3-5 things that I’m grateful for in my morning pages and I can tell you that it makes a huge difference. It sets your day off in the most positive way, and it’ll be a lot easier to carry that momentum throughout the day. Journaling in the morning and at night helps me round out the day and go to bed in a grateful state as well.

Self-Care Tip #3

Take a Social Media Break

Maybe it’s for a day or a weekend, but make it a priority to get off of social media for a bit. We consume so much in a day, and sometimes you can get caught in the comparison game on social media. I promise you, social media is just a highlight reel and you won’t ever see every single moment of everyone’s day or know how they’re feeling inside. It’s important to consume more positivity to stay in a positive mindset.

Self-Care Tip #4


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, and I’ll keep saying it. Meditation is one of the most important parts of my day and if I don’t get it in on a day, I feel it in my bones. Meditating isn’t just about sitting still, it’s about connecting with your higher self and connecting with a higher power.

Self-Care Tip #5

Create a Vision Board

Where do you see yourself at the end of the year? What about in 5 years? I’m a big believer in manifesting and making a Vision Board is one of my top priorities every year. You can make one from cutting images out of a magazine, or anything that inspires you, or you can make a digital one on Canva. I use Canva for everything in my business and I also use it for personal graphics. It’s easy to use and I make a vision board on it every year. Pro Tip: I make a custom design and I set the dimensions to 2550 by 3300 pixels, that way if I want to print it, I can do so on a regular piece of printer paper.

Do you have any self-care tips that you’d like to share? I’d love to know!

In other news…..

Happy Spring!
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About Crystal

Crystal Levy is a Visual Storyteller and Self-Love Advocate sharing Style and Travel Tips with a side of Wellness and Parenthood.

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