Quarantine : How I’m passing the time.

in Quaratine

What. A. Shit. Show. Am I right? This COVID-19 is something serious y’all. Whether you are scared of the actual virus, or just freaked out that you now have to stay home and you’re stir crazy, here’s what I’ve been choosing to focus on instead.

  • Morning Gratitude: as soon as I wake up I say thank you and do my gratitude prayers for everything that makes me smile and everything that I’m grateful for. I say thank you for the air in my lungs, the health of myself and my family and for another day to be better than I was yesterday. A better mom, a better wife, a better version of myself. I repeat the mantra “I forgive my past, I release my future, I honor how I feel today” to align myself with the universe and start my day.
  • Every morning and every night we say affirmations with the girls so that we are intentional about starting and ending the day with positivity.
  • Usually, when the baby takes her first nap, I will sit and meditate anywhere from 10-20 minutes. Sometimes that’s a guided meditation or a chakra alignment meditation. It depends on how I’m feeling that day. Here are some of my favorites.
  • Consuming positivity is huge for me. Every once in a while I will go through who I’m following on Instagram and unfollow anyone that doesn’t resonate, offer positivity in some form or inspire me in some way. I also love reading things that lift me up and my current reading includes:
  • Self Care. I take some time at night after my shower to do my nighttime skincare routine. It may not sound like much, but I’ve always been somewhat obsessed with taking care of my skin and it helps me relax.
    • Part of self-care for me is getting ready every day. This happened even before the Quarantine. I’ve never been a “stay in pajamas all day” (or go out in my pajamas) type of person, so yes, I get fully dressed with hair and makeup every day and it makes a world of a difference for me to feel productive. Sometimes that means jeans, other times that means a Lululemon outfit. I would be THAT mom at school drop off (if we didn’t homeschool) that you would talk about because I was fully put together.
  • Daily Vitamin D. Whether it’s a quick walk around the neighborhood or just sitting on the porch for 10 minutes, it feels good to see and feel the sun.
  • Daily exercise. We are lucky enough to have an at-home gym so getting in there once a day is essential for me right now. I’ve also been doing some workouts on the Alo Moves app and the Tone it Up app, which are helpful for the days that I don’t do my cardio.
  • Having fun. I decided to start a TikTok and I’m having fun planning out my videos and editing them!

I’d love to know how you are handling being in Quarantine and what you’re doing to keep yourself in a positive state. Remember that you have the choice every day to either come at this with a loving intention, or a hateful one. You are the only one with the power to choose how your day goes. Choose wisely.

Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash


About Crystal

Crystal Levy is a Visual Storyteller and Self-Love Advocate sharing Style and Travel Tips with a side of Wellness and Parenthood.

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  1. 4.14.20
    Ally said:

    Great list of ideas! We have been trying to get outside, do yard work & walk the dogs whenever we can.

    • 5.31.20
      Crystal said:

      Yes to yard work! Somehow we now have a raised garden bed and an herb garden! lol