My Breast Implant Story (Updated)

I’ve talked to 3 random people this week about breast implants and about getting them removed. I’m not sure what that’s about but I told them my story and I wanted to re share it with you too. For the record, I see absolutely nothing wrong with plastic surgery. It’s your body and you’re allowed to do what you want to it. I knew I wanted to get breast implants as soon as I knew that it was an option. I never had full breasts growing up and being a little bit of an “ugly duckling”, that was always an insecurity of mine. I remember telling my mom in my teens that I wanted to have that particular surgery done when I turned 18. Fast forward to being 24, engaged to be married (first marriage) and I wanted to get implants before the wedding. I got a job with a Plastic Surgeon the year before and I scheduled my surgery for 6 months prior to my wedding. I loved my doctor and he was an amazing surgeon. I already had full A size breasts and I went to a full C cup after surgery (300 cc bag filled to 325 cc’s).

After I got married I gained about 20 lbs out of pure misery and depression (that’s another story) and my breasts got even bigger. I’m 5’2″ so any extra weight on my frame is very noticeable so my insecurities about my body resurfaced again. Fast forward 8 years later to getting a divorce, being in another abusive relationship and then another break up – I had enough of the body insecurities, I lost all of the weight and more and was in the best shape of my life. I was a working lingerie model/flight attendant and absolutely used my body to my advantage.

But there came a point when I re met my now husband and I didn’t have to keep up the act. I didn’t need the attention of other men and the eyes looking at my breasts before they looked me in the eye got real old. I didn’t feel like I was the same girl that wanted the implants before. I felt more secure with myself and with my body than I ever had in my life and I just didn’t think that my breast implants fit me anymore.

10 years after I had breast augmentation surgery I had my implants removed and it was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. I opted for local anesthesia, which means that I was awake during surgery and they only numbed the breast area to do the removal. I was able to feel every little thing that was happening (without pain) and when the doctor took the first implant out, it burst and it felt like all of the labels and insecurities about my body were flowing out of me in that moment. I remember smiling when it happened and I felt part of that insecure little girl inside of me was being released somehow. I felt like I could breathe and that everything that I had been chasing that wasn’t for me, just went away.

I know that not everyone’s story is the same, which is why I’m sharing mine with you. Once again, I fully support your decision to do whatever you want with your body (as long as your over 18 because I’m not your mom). I had to go through all of the insecurities and the surgeries to come out on the other side, happier and more confident than ever before. I would do it all again in a heartbeat if it meant that I arrive right here, where I am today.


xo, C


About Crystal

Crystal Levy is a Visual Storyteller and Self-Love Advocate sharing Style and Travel Tips with a side of Wellness and Parenthood.

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